
Cressbrook Dam Upgrade

Cressbrook Dam is the largest water supply dam for the Toowoomba Region. To support the region’s growth, Toowoomba Regional Council is undertaking works to upgrade dam safety. The project will see Cressbrook Dam attain industry best practice and align with the requirements of the Queensland Dam Safety Management Guidelines 2020, safely pass excess water volumes during periods of extreme rainfall and meet modern engineering design standards.

Image from Toowoomba Regional Council Project page.

Project information

Project Owner
SEQ Water
Under Tender Review


The Project Works includes dam safety upgrade and associated infrastructure to support the upgrade, along with other works identified by Toowoomba Regional Council to improve dam safety management of Cressbrook Dam:
  • Widening of the spillway to a width of 40m
  • Extend the dam filters to the full height of the embankment, from 285.26m AHD up to crest level.
  • Raising the dam crest with the construction of a 1.5m parapet wall to 291.76m AHD
  • Downstream berm modifications

Service Provided

Civil Project Partners helped the client’s tender submission with:

  • Tender planning
  • Constructability; and
  • Plant and labour resourcing.

Tools used

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