
International Women in Engineering – Samantha Moreira

Civil Project Partners were proud to celebrate International Women in Engineering Day om the 23rd June 2023. The day is focused on celebrating the work women have achieved in Engineering, and encouraging younger generations to become engineers in a predominately male industry.

We spoke with Civil Project Partners’ Samantha Moreira, Junior Engineer about what this day means to her:

What inspired you to become an Engineer?

“My Father is an Electrical Engineer and since I was young, he showed me different projects and ideas of how the construction could be improved or more innovative. I decided to do Civil Engineer course, since I was fascinated by large constructions and loved the idea of seeing places be transformed from basically nothing to modern buildings, houses for families or roads to connect cities.”

Today’s theme is “Make Safety Seen” what does this mean to you?

“The theme “Make Safety Seen” means that no matter what I do I should work safe, as then I will be doing a good job and as a Mother go home to my family safe. As a woman I should not be afraid to share my thoughts, ideas around safety about a job or situation that has to be solved.”

Do you have a favourite project you have worked on?

“In May 2012 I was invited to help in one of the biggest projects I had ever seen, the duplication of the Tamoios Highway in Sao Paulo/Brazil. The highway project began in May 2012 and finished in January 2014, and was an 83.4km extension to connect Sao Jose dos Campos to Caraguatatuba (North Coast of Sao Paulo).”

What female Engineer role models do you admire?

“Emily Warren is one of my main role models. She was essentially one of the first women engineers in the late 1800’s and oversaw the engineering team that worked on the Brooklyn Bridge, in New York. She was the first woman to be a leader in of the engineering projects and continues to be an inspiration to me.”

What advice do you have for aspiring female engineer students?

“Do what you love! The engineering industry is open to everyone and has opportunities for you. Invest in yourself, your health and your knowledge.”

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