
Meet The Team – Balazs Varga

Originally from Hungary, Balazs grew up in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, where he studied for a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) at Griffith University before embarking on a career working for some of Australia’s leading contractors, including McConnell-Dowell and CPB,  where he helped to deliver major rail, transport, utilities and road projects. His experience has seen him involved in the delivery of Hinze Dam, Gold Coast Light Rail, Sydney Metro and the Mulgoa Rd Upgrade (Penrith).

We caught up with Balazs to find out a little bit more about him, his role and life.

Why did you become a civil engineer?

Firstly because I wanted to build things and secondly so that I could understand all the technicalities behind why things are designed in certain ways. I guess that it is related to my natural curiosity about why things work and the thought processes that go into designing infrastructure and civil works.

What do you love about working as a civil engineer?

You never stop learning. Engineering is all about solving problems. Therefore you work in an industry with never-ending challenges, and you have to constantly learn new things and push the limits of the human mind.

What are you working on at the moment?

I am currently working on Targeted Road Safety Projects in the Cairns Regions. It is part of a Queensland Government program that is committed to innovative and cost-effective road safety initiatives to improve the safety of the state’s transport network.

What’s the best project you have worked on?

The Sydney Metro – Castle Hill Underground Metro Station. It was fantastic to be involved in a major project that has helped transform the public transport of one of the nation’s busiest cities. It was the first section of Sydney Metro to be completed, and as the rest of the network is completed will become a vital link between the city’s northwest and the CBD.

What’s the most useful thing you’ve learned throughout your career?

I think that it would be how to “work to live, not live to work,” I am a firm believer in a work-life balance, and for me, I enjoy the challenges of working as a professional in construction and infrastructure, but I also have a family and enjoy spending time with them. Therefore I need to have a balanced approach to life and work.

What would your last meal be?

Anything from my lovely wife, she is an amazing cook so I know that whatever she prepares, it would be fantastic.

What is the last movie you watched or series you binged?

The Chosen (TV Series). It is a dramatisation of the life of Jesus that focuses on the intention of the scriptures.

Who’s inspires you and why?

R.C.Sproul was an inspirational American theologian and minister. He inspired me as he was so helpful in explaining complex concepts and seemed so kind-hearted to make time for so many people.

What excites you about the future of infrastructure?

We live in amazing times, where technology and infrastructure are beginning to merge and will be reliant on each other for success. I’m really looking forward to autonomous cars and their respective infrastructure, and I think the day when I can tell my car where to drive me, and let it do so while I take a nap would be amazing and isn’t too far away.

What would be your dream project to work on from history?

The underground infrastructure of Rome back in its heyday. It is amazing to think about how advanced their water and sewage infrastructure was almost 2,000 years ago, especially when you compare it to what was available in other cities and settlements of the time, which was nothing.

What piece of advice would you give to someone about to start a career in infrastructure?

Consider carefully what aspect cannot be automated or exported overseas. Because anything that CAN be automated or exported will be, therefore, it is important to ensure that you give yourself the skills and relevance to have a long term and enjoyable career.

What do you do outside work for fun?

I have always enjoyed the outdoors and love taking bush walks with my wife and 19-month old daughter, where we can be out and about in the beautiful Queensland country. I’m also a keen fisher and always take any chance I can to grab a rod and head to one of my favourite spots.


With cheese.

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